Thursday, October 1, 2009


You know there are people whom I'm close with and others whom I'm just acquaintances with and others whom I just cannot stand no matter how much I try to connect. I've been working very hard to. I swear. But my colleague, N is just one hell of an annoying, self-centered, back-stabbing son of a bitch. It's a headache since I am forced to share rooms and resources with him.

I'm thankful to have made the choice to leave the company by end of the year. It is beyond me to visualize the status of my own mental health should I decide to continue since the interaction in the office sees me watching my back constantly to look out for back-stabbing and accidental stepping of toes. Moreover, mr self-professed neat freak is actually very sloppy when it comes to others and lets people take the blame due to this.

One incident that happened today is a follow up on yesterday's incident which had him dressing me down for causing the computer to be out of battery. But yet he hid the computer when he got to the room last night, causing the computer to be flat. He also didn't bother to do work I told him the boss asked me to pass word to him to. The worst part is that the boss doesn't know and I would bet a hundred that he will make it as though it's my fault.

Bloody bitch. I hope he burns.